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1099 Corrections (FIRE) - 1 Transaction

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Use the ORIGINAL Dataset.


Remember, for 1 transaction and the first part of a 2 transaction correction, you should NOT change name or tax ID information.



1.Edit the forms. Locate the 1099 forms that need correcting, edit the form with the corrected amounts and checkbox indicators and check the "corrected" box.
2.Print corrected forms for the Recipient.  During the print format selection, check the box "Print Corrected Forms" so that only corrected forms will print.
3.Run the Review - it will indicate that it will review corrected forms only.
4.After successful review, the Forms are in the Ready to Generate list.
5.Generate the IRSTAX file.



Once you have generated the IRSTAX file, upload the file to the FIRE system indicating it is a correction.